Effect of diet and physical exercise on weight, body composition, and resting metabolic rate in obese chilean adults
Palabras clave:
Basal Metabolism, Body Composition, Calorimetry, Indirect, Thermogenesis, Weight LossResumen
Background: Diet and exercise are the mainstay of weight reduction programs. Aim: To evaluate the effect of diet and exercise on body weight and composition and resting metabolic rate (RMR) in obese adults. Material and methods: Twenty-eight obese adults aged 22 to 61 years (18 women) completed four months of diet and exercise. They attended monthly nutritional consultations, and two-three weekly exercise sessions. At baseline and the end of the intervention, anthropometry, body composition by bioimpedance and RMR by indirect calorimetry (IC) were measured. Metabolic adaptation, defined as a decrease in thermogenesis to an extent greater than predicted based on the change in body weight and composition, was calculated. Results: Significant reductions in body weight and fat mass were observed in both genders. Fat-free mass decreased in women and remained unchanged in men. RMR remained stable. Metabolic adaptation was observed in 11/27 participants. Fat mass change in participants with and without metabolic adaptation was 8 Kg and 4,4 kg, respectively (p = 0,018). In the linear regression analysis, male sex accounted for a higher RMR (247.80 Kcal, p = 0,006) than females. For each kg of fat and fat free mass, the RMR varies 7.25 Kcal, (p = 0.02) and 9.79 Kcal (p = 0,006), respectively. Conclusions: The intervention reduced body weight and fat mass and maintained RMR. Fat free mass decreased in women. Participants with metabolic adaptation showed greater changes in fat mass.Descargas
Cómo citar
Rocha, G., Podestá, I., & Canals, A. (2021). Effect of diet and physical exercise on weight, body composition, and resting metabolic rate in obese chilean adults. Revista Médica De Chile, 150(5). Recuperado a partir de https://mail.revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/9524
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