Evaluación para el aprendizaje: experiencia en un curso teórico de pregrado en medicina.
Palabras clave:
Competence, clinical, Education, medical, Measurement, educational, StudentsResumen
Background: Assessment for learning is a paradigm that is taking shape in the field of medical education. This approach aims to embed the assessment process within the educational and learning process. Aim: to evaluate the impact of curricular changes, from a focus of assessment of learning to one of assessment for learning, in the perception of undergraduate students of medicine and their final grades obtained in a theoretical course (TCG). Material and methods: In the year 2011 lectures were reduced and intermediate assessments followed by a feedback session were introduced. The activities of each program course, surveys about student perceptions of the course and the final grades of students (assessments with multiple choice questions) were compared between the periods prior and after curricular changes (2005-2010 and 2011-2013). Results: As a consequence of curricular changes, time for lectures was reduced by 19.5%, time for summative assessments was increased by 8.5%, and feedback activity, occupying 7.3% of the course time was added. There were significant improvements in student is perceptions in all areas assessed by surveys, emphasizing feedback and assessments. The overall grade assigned to the course dictated after implementing the changes increased from 6.18 to 6.59 (p <0.001, 1-7 scale). The grades of students also improved from an average of 5.78 to 6.43 (p<0.001, 1-7 scale). Conclusions: Assessment for learning achieved the desired educational impact without increasing the assigned curricular time. Programmatic assessment is favorably perceived by students.Descargas
Cómo citar
Pérez, G., Kattan, E., Collins, L., Wright, A. C., Rybertt, T., González, A., Sirhan, M., Solis, N., Pizarro, M., Arrese, M., Sarfatis, A., Lustig, N., Arab, J. P., Labarca, J., & Riquelme, A. (2015). Evaluación para el aprendizaje: experiencia en un curso teórico de pregrado en medicina. Revista Médica De Chile, 143(3). Recuperado a partir de https://mail.revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/3641
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