Bicarbonato de sodio intravenoso ¿Cuándo, cómo y por qué utilizarlo?


  • Rodrigo A Sepúlveda Hospital Clínico Universidad Católica – Red de Salud UC Christus, Departamento de Nefrología, Escuela de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Cristián Juanet Departamento de Nefrología, Escuela de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Joaquín Sharp Departamento de Medicina Interna, Escuela de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Eduardo Kattan Hospital Clínico Universidad Católica – Red de Salud UC Christus, Departamento de Nefrología, Escuela de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Palabras clave:

Acidosis, Bicarbonates, Hypernatremia, Hypocalcemia, Sodium Bicarbonate


Severe metabolic acidosis is defined by a pH <7.2 with HCO3- <8 mEq/L in plasma. Its best treatment is to correct the underlying cause. However, acidemia produces multiple complications such as resistance to the action of catecholamines, pulmonary vasoconstriction, impaired cardiovascular function, hyperkalemia, immunological dysregulation, respiratory muscle fatigue, neurological impairment, cellular dysfunction, and finally, it contributes to multisystemic failure. Intravenous NaHCO3 buffers severe acidemia, preventing the associated damage and gains time while the causal disease is corrected. Its indication requires a risk-benefit assessment, considering its complications. These are hypernatremia, hypokalemia, ionic hypocalcemia, rebound alkalosis, and intracellular acidosis. For this reason, therapy must be “adapted” and administered judiciously. The patient will require monitoring with serial evaluation of the internal environment, especially arterial blood gases, plasma electrolytes, and ionized calcium. Isotonic solutions should be preferred instead of hypertonic bicarbonate. The development of hypernatremia must be prevented, calcium must be provided for hypocalcemia to improve cardiovascular function. Furthermore, in mechanically ventilated patients, a respiratory response similar to the one that would develop physiologically, must be established to be able to extract excess CO2 and thus avoid intracellular acidosis. It is possible to estimate the bicarbonate deficit, speed, and volume of its infusion. However, the calculations are only for reference. More important is to start intravenous NaHCO3 when needed, administer it judiciously, manage its side effects, and continue it to a safe goal. In this review we address all the necessary elements to consider in the administration of intravenous NaHCO3, highlighting why it is the best buffer for the management of severe metabolic acidosis.

Biografía del autor/a

Rodrigo A Sepúlveda, Hospital Clínico Universidad Católica – Red de Salud UC Christus, Departamento de Nefrología, Escuela de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Especialidad: Medicina Interna Subespecialidad: Nefrología Magíster en Investigación en Ciencias de la Salud Grado académico: Profesor Asistente

Cristián Juanet, Departamento de Nefrología, Escuela de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Médico Internista Residente de Nefrología

Joaquín Sharp, Departamento de Medicina Interna, Escuela de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Residente de Medicina Interna

Eduardo Kattan, Hospital Clínico Universidad Católica – Red de Salud UC Christus, Departamento de Nefrología, Escuela de Medicina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Especialidad: Anestesia Subespecialidad: Medicina Intensiva Magíster en Docencia Grado académico: Profesor Asistente




Cómo citar

Sepúlveda, R. A., Juanet, C., Sharp, J., & Kattan, E. (2022). Bicarbonato de sodio intravenoso ¿Cuándo, cómo y por qué utilizarlo?. Revista Médica De Chile, 150(9). Recuperado a partir de



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