Nefrectomía radical con trombectomía de vena cava: 20 años de cirugías por tumor renal.


  • Pablo Rojas Ruz
  • Juan Cristóbal Bravo
  • Renato Navarro
  • Sofía Villagrán
  • Álvaro Zúñiga
  • Pablo Troncoso
  • Pedro Becker
  • Eduardo Briceño
  • Ignacio San Francisco Dirección Diagonal Paraguay 362 , Santiago, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Palabras clave:

Kidney Neoplasms, Nephrectomy, Venae Cavae


Background: Vena cava (VC) involvement in kidney tumors occurs in 4 to 10 % of cases, and is associated with a higher mortality. Nephrectomy with thrombectomy of the VC, performed by a multidisciplinary team, improves survival. Aim: To report a series of consecutive nephrectomies with caval thrombectomy performed in an academic center. Patients and methods: We report 32 patients with cT3b and 3c renal tumors, who underwent radical nephrectomy with VC thrombectomy between 2001 and 2021. A descriptive analysis of clinical, surgical and pathological variables was performed. Overall survival (OS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) was calculated using Kaplan-Meier curves. Results: The mean tumor size was 9.7 cm. According to Mayo classification 3/32 (9%) patients had a type I thrombus, 10/32 (31%) had a type II thrombus, 8/32 (25%) had a type III thrombus, and 5/32 (16%) had a type IV thrombus. The mean bleeding was 2000 cc. There was one intraoperative death. Nineteen percent of patients had complications >= 3 according to Clavien-Dindo classification. Reoperations occurred in 9%. Pre and postoperative creatinine levels were 1.17 and 1.91 mg/dl respectively (p < 0.01). Pre and postoperative Hematocrit levels were 47.9 and 31% respectively (p = 0.02). Sixty six percent of tumors were clear cell renal cancer, 9% were papillary and 3% were chromophobic. Mean OS was 10 months. Two-year SCE was 40%. Conclusions: Our results are similar to those reported elsewhere. Despite being an unusual pathology, the surgical technique has been improving, thanks to the multidisciplinary work of urologists and surgeons.

Biografía del autor/a

Ignacio San Francisco, Dirección Diagonal Paraguay 362 , Santiago, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Urología Uro-oncología




Cómo citar

Rojas Ruz, P., Bravo, J. C., Navarro, R., Villagrán, S., Zúñiga, Álvaro, Troncoso, P., Becker, P., Briceño, E., & San Francisco, I. (2022). Nefrectomía radical con trombectomía de vena cava: 20 años de cirugías por tumor renal. Revista Médica De Chile, 150(8). Recuperado a partir de



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