Intervención dirigida al equipo de salud para fortalecer la implementación del Modelo de Cuidados Crónicos.
Palabras clave:
Chronic Disease, Delivery of Health Care, Health Education, Inservice Training, Primary Health Care, Quality of Health CareResumen
Background: The Chronic Care Model promotes the link between informed, activated patients with proactive and prepared health care teams. Aim: To evaluate the effect of an intervention aimed at strengthening the implementation of the Chronic Care Model in the care provided by health teams to users with chronic diseases. Material and methods: Quasi-experiment study. Four health centers were randomly selected, divided into intervention and control groups, with 86 participants who met the selection criteria and agreed to participate in the study. A blended learning training program, lasting six months, was applied in intervened centers to incorporate the elements of the Chronic Care Model. The results were assessed using the questionnaire “Assessment of chronic illness care, internal client version 3.5” adapted to Chilean Spanish. Results: A significant post-intervention improvement in the global score of attention evaluation was observed in the group that received the intervention, changing from basic support to reasonably good support. Also, specific improvements were seen in five sections of the attention assessment. Conclusions: This intervention improved the evaluation of chronic disease care in the intervention group.Descargas
Cómo citar
Lagos Garrido, M. E., Salazar Molina, A., & Sáez Carrillo, K. (2022). Intervención dirigida al equipo de salud para fortalecer la implementación del Modelo de Cuidados Crónicos. Revista Médica De Chile, 150(6). Recuperado a partir de
Artículos de Investigación