Utilidad del cuestionario de STOP-BANG como predictor único de vía aérea difícil


  • Dagoberto Ojeda Sociedad Anestesiólogos San Cristóbal S.A Clínica Dávila
  • Valeria Monsalve Sociedad Anestesiólogos San Cristóbal S.A Clínica Dávila
  • Patricia Cisternas Sociedad Anestesiólogos San Cristóbal S.A Clínica Dávila
  • Álvaro Jorquera Universidad de Los Andes
  • Katalina Mora Clínica Dávila

Palabras clave:

Airway Management, Sleep Apnea, Obstructive, Surveys and Questionnaires


Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is highly prevalent. The STOP-BANG questionnaire is a simple and useful tool to screen for OSA. Aim: Since OSA is strongly associated with airway management troubles, we sought to determine whether the STOP-BANG can predict difficult airway management. Material and methods: An observational, cross-sectional study was conducted including adult patients scheduled for major outpatient surgery under general anesthesia. The STOP-BANG questionnaire was preoperatively applied by a ward nurse. The Han scale mask ventilation difficulty scale, Cormack-Lehane laryngeal view scale were also applied and the need for video laryngoscopy was recorded. The number of attempts for successful insertion of a laryngeal mask airway were determined. Results: We studied 993 patients, of whom 53% required tracheal intubation and 47% a laryngeal mask. Most patients had a low OSA risk, (STOP-BANG <3). STOP-BANG score was associated with difficult airway management (p <0.05), except for the laryngeal mask airway insertion. The effect size was especially high for difficult mask ventilation with an Odds Ratio of 1.7 [ 95% confidence intervals (CI)1.2 – 2.4] and for video laryngoscopy, with an Odds Ratio of 1.6 [95% CI: 1.6 – 2.1]. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was above 0.7, (acceptable level), only for predicting difficult mask ventilation. The cut-off for having a difficult mask ventilation was a STOP-BANG >2. The positive and negative likelihood ratios, (2.0 and 0.2) imply poor predictive capability. Conclusions: The STOP-BANG questionnaire was only able to predict difficult mask ventilation. Since its discriminative value was low, it cannot be recommended it as a single predictor.

Biografía del autor/a

Dagoberto Ojeda, Sociedad Anestesiólogos San Cristóbal S.A Clínica Dávila

Anestesiólogo Clínica Dávila

Valeria Monsalve, Sociedad Anestesiólogos San Cristóbal S.A Clínica Dávila

Anestesióloga Clínica Dávila

Patricia Cisternas, Sociedad Anestesiólogos San Cristóbal S.A Clínica Dávila

Médico jefe pabellones y anestesia Clínica Dávila

Álvaro Jorquera, Universidad de Los Andes

Residente Anestesiología Universidad de Los Andes Clínica Dávila

Katalina Mora, Clínica Dávila

Enfermera coordinadora cirugía mayor ambulatoria Clínica Dávila




Cómo citar

Ojeda, D., Monsalve, V., Cisternas, P., Jorquera, Álvaro, & Mora, K. (2021). Utilidad del cuestionario de STOP-BANG como predictor único de vía aérea difícil. Revista Médica De Chile, 150(4). Recuperado a partir de https://mail.revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/9191



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