La relación médico-paciente en tiempos de COVID-19. Un cambio de paradigma?


  • Jacobo Villalobos Hoospital Regional "Leonardo Guzmán". Antofagasta. Chile
  • Nicolina Calvanese Universidad Simón Bolívar

Palabras clave:

COVID-19, Pandemics, Physician-Patient Relations, Bioethics


Doctor-patient relationship (DPR) is the cornerstone of clinical medicine, mobilizing powerful human resources. This article analyzes the impact of Covid-19 pandemia on DPR. Due to fear of contagion, the use of telephone or digital consultation was preferred, in which only the results of laboratory and imaging tests can be reviewed, and the patient receives a diagnostic conclusion. Patients are afraid of face-to-face consultations, and healthcare centers developed measures to reduce patient influx. Thus, a new relationship ensued, generating suspicion, mistrust and fear. The empathy and affection that the doctor must project and deliver to the patient was reduced. Depending on the duration of the pandemia, doctors and patients will eventually get used to this type of relationship and a paradigm shift will occur, in which Hippocratic medicine gives way to digital medicine.

Biografía del autor/a

Jacobo Villalobos, Hoospital Regional "Leonardo Guzmán". Antofagasta. Chile

Médico Cirujano, especialista en Medicina Interna y en Nefrología. Doctor en Ciencias de la Salud. Magister en Bioética.

Nicolina Calvanese, Universidad Simón Bolívar

Licenciada en Psicología. Doctora en Psicología Positiva. Profesora Titular Universidad Simón Bolívar. Caracas-Venezuela




Cómo citar

Villalobos, J., & Calvanese, N. (2021). La relación médico-paciente en tiempos de COVID-19. Un cambio de paradigma?. Revista Médica De Chile, 149(7). Recuperado a partir de



Ética Médica