Caracterización clínica e imagenológica de una serie de pacientes con disección de arterias cervicales e intracraneales.


  • Andrés Gallardo V Universidad de Chile Clínica Indisa
  • René Núñez F Clínica Indisa
  • Osvaldo Trujillo Universidad de Chile Clínica Indisa
  • Benjamín Rodríguez UNAB
  • Felipe Jurado Universidad de Chile Clínica Indisa
  • Harumi Asahi Clínica Indisa
  • Claudia Lazcano Clínica Indisa
  • Alvaro Romero Clínica Indisa
  • María Jesús Soto
  • Roque Villagra Universidad de Chile Clínica Indisa

Palabras clave:

Carotid Artery, Internal, Dissection, Stroke, Vertebral Artery Dissection


Background: Cervicocranial arterial dissection (CIAD) is an important cause of stroke. Aim: To describe the clinical and imaging characteristics of patients with CIAD. Material and methods: An anonymous registry was made including all patients admitted to a private hospital with a diagnosis of CIAD. Patients were subdivided as having an anterior or posterior circulation dissection (ACD or PCD respectively). Results: Fifty-seven patients aged 40 ± 8 years (60% women) were included in the study, 39 with PCD and 18 with ACD. Cervical pain was the most common symptom. CIAD was diagnosed with no clinical or imaging signs of stroke in 49% of patients. Fifty one percent of patients had focal neurological deficits and 72% had a NIH stroke score below five. No significant differences between patients with ACD or PCD were found. Fifty patients received antiplatelet therapy (simple or dual), seven patients were anticoagulated and 13 were subjected to stenting due to progression of stenosis with hemodynamic involvement or bilateral dissection with scarce collaterals. The lesion was located in V3 segment in 27 patients and cervical segment of the internal carotid in 16 cases. A favorable Modified Rankin Scale (0-2) was achieved in 85.9%, with a trend towards achieving better functional prognosis in PCD. Conclusions: Due to the greater availability of non-invasive imaging methods, 50% of these patients with CIAD did not have a stroke. Thus, an earlier and more timely management is feasible.

Biografía del autor/a

Andrés Gallardo V, Universidad de Chile Clínica Indisa

Neurólogo Vascular

René Núñez F, Clínica Indisa


Osvaldo Trujillo, Universidad de Chile Clínica Indisa

Neurólogo Adulto

Benjamín Rodríguez, UNAB

Residente de Radiología

Felipe Jurado, Universidad de Chile Clínica Indisa

Neurólogo Adulto

Harumi Asahi, Clínica Indisa

Neuróloga Adulto

Claudia Lazcano, Clínica Indisa

Neuróloga Adulto

Alvaro Romero, Clínica Indisa

Neurólogo Adulto

María Jesús Soto

Neuróloga Adulto

Roque Villagra, Universidad de Chile Clínica Indisa

Neurólogo Adulto




Cómo citar

Gallardo V, A., Núñez F, R., Trujillo, O., Rodríguez, B., Jurado, F., Asahi, H., Lazcano, C., Romero, A., Soto, M. J., & Villagra, R. (2021). Caracterización clínica e imagenológica de una serie de pacientes con disección de arterias cervicales e intracraneales. Revista Médica De Chile, 149(8). Recuperado a partir de



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