Ingesta calórica y de macronutrientes en los primeros seis meses post cirugía bariátrica
Palabras clave:
Bariatric Surgery, Energy Intake, Nutrients, ProteinsResumen
Background: Bariatric surgery (BS) is the most effective procedure in the management of obesity, achieving a significant decrease in energy intake. Aim: To measure calorie and macronutrient intake in patients subjected to gastric bypass (GBP) or sleeve gastrectomy (SG). Material and methods: We studied 53 patients subjected to SG and 27 subjected to GBP, who were in the first, second or sixth postoperative month. A food frequency consumption survey was applied by specialized nutritionists and their nutritional status was assessed. Results: Mean calorie intake at months 1, 2 and 6 was 505, 600 and 829.8 kcal, respectively. A significantly higher intake was observed at month 1 in patients with those subjected to SG, compared with GBP patients. Protein consumption was <60 g / d, except at 6 months in patients with GBP. At months 1, 2 and 6, mean consumption of lipids was 17, 28 and 30 g/day, respectively. The figures for carbohydrates were 42, 31 and 77 g/day, respectively. At month 1, patients with GBP had a higher BMI, equalizing at 6 months with those of SG. At 6 months 37% of patients had a normal body mass index and 17% remained obese. A negative correlation was observed between weight loss and energy intake during the first month (rho: -0.40; p = 0.033). Conclusions: Patients subjected to BS have a low calorie and macronutrient intake in the first six postoperative months. Their calorie intake is negatively associated with weight loss, mainly during the first postoperative month.Descargas
Cómo citar
Palacio, A., Quintiliano, D., Vargas, P., Cosentino, M., & Ríos, M. J. (2021). Ingesta calórica y de macronutrientes en los primeros seis meses post cirugía bariátrica. Revista Médica De Chile, 149(2). Recuperado a partir de
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