Covid-19 y comportamiento psicológico: revisión sistemática de los efectos psicológicos de las pandemias del siglo XXI


  • David Cuadra Martínez Universidad de Atacama
  • Pablo J Castro Carrasco Universidad de La Serena
  • José Sandoval Díaz Universidad del Bio-Bio
  • Daniel Pérez Zapata Universidad de Tarapacá University of Birmingham
  • Diego Mora Dabancens Universidad de Atacama

Palabras clave:

Behavior, Pandemics, Psychology


The aim of this work was to conduct a systematic review on psychological behavior in the context of pandemic scenarios during the twenty-first century. We focused on empirical works and brief case reports of H1N1 flu and Covid-19. Our review included 32 papers published both in English and Spanish. We built a set of tables that allowed us to classify the information in four main categories, namely the psychological impact of the pandemic, whether people follow or not official measures to protect themselves against the pandemic, psychological adherence considerations implied as mediators to respect official strategies, and relevant methodological characteristics of the pandemic research. Results show that there are significant impacts on the psychological behavior of people, social groups and organizations in several dimensions, namely emotion, cognition, behavior, mental health, organization and psychosocial factors. In addition, we found that certain social groups experienced a critical psychosocial impact likely due to the pandemic. Psychosocial factors affecting adherence were also identified, which allow us to better understand how health strategies are followed by the population. Different psychosocial suggestions, which emerged from the papers reviewed, were systematized and should be considered as possible pandemic strategies to be implemented.

Biografía del autor/a

David Cuadra Martínez, Universidad de Atacama

Académico del Departamento de Psicología, Universidad de Atacama

Pablo J Castro Carrasco, Universidad de La Serena

Académico del departamento de Psicología, Universidad de La Serena

José Sandoval Díaz, Universidad del Bio-Bio

Académico del departamento de Psicología, Universidad del Bio-Bio

Daniel Pérez Zapata, Universidad de Tarapacá University of Birmingham

Mg en Psicología

Diego Mora Dabancens, Universidad de Atacama

Académico del Departamento de Psicología Universidad de Atacama




Cómo citar

Cuadra Martínez, D., Castro Carrasco, P. J., Sandoval Díaz, J., Pérez Zapata, D., & Mora Dabancens, D. (2020). Covid-19 y comportamiento psicológico: revisión sistemática de los efectos psicológicos de las pandemias del siglo XXI. Revista Médica De Chile, 148(8). Recuperado a partir de



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