Immunoglobulin light chain (AL) Amyloidosis in the Chilean public health system: a pending debt.


  • Camila Peña Hospital del Salvador
  • José Tomás Gonzalez
  • Hernán López-Vidal
  • Javiera Donoso
  • Carolina Contreras
  • Carmen Gloria Vergara
  • Ricardo Hojas
  • Pablo Soto
  • Gonzalo Correa
  • Ricardo Valjalo
  • Alvaro Ríos
  • Jorge Larrondo
  • Jaime Álvarez
  • Christine Rojas

Palabras clave:

Amyloidosis, Autologous, Bortezomib, Multiple Myeloma, Paraproteinemias, Transplantation


Background: Immunoglobulin light chain (AL) amyloidosis is a rare and underdiagnosed entity. Aim: To characterize patients with AL amyloidosis in Chilean public health centers. Material and methods: We conducted a retrospective, multicenter study. Public centers of the Chilean hematological cooperative group were asked to search for patients with AL amyloidosis in their databases. Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory characteristics were evaluated. Results: Forty-two patients aged 22 to 84 years were found. Twenty four percent had localized AL amyloidosis; 64% had a lambda light chain clone; 47% were associated with multiple myeloma and 9% with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The most commonly involved organ was the kidney (76%). Serum free light chains were measured in 31% and an echocardiogram was performed in 74% of patients. Seventeen percent of patients received only palliative care, 17% were treated with bortezomib, 21% with thalidomide, and 40% with melphalan. No patient was transplanted. The mean overall survival (OS) of the group was 19 months. The 5-year OS was 28%. Conclusions: It is important to obtain these realistic, national data to initiate strategies to improve early diagnosis and proper management of this disease.

Biografía del autor/a

Camila Peña, Hospital del Salvador

Medico internista , Hematóloga



Cómo citar

Peña, C., Gonzalez, J. T., López-Vidal, H., Donoso, J., Contreras, C., Vergara, C. G., Hojas, R., Soto, P., Correa, G., Valjalo, R., Ríos, A., Larrondo, J., Álvarez, J., & Rojas, C. (2019). Immunoglobulin light chain (AL) Amyloidosis in the Chilean public health system: a pending debt. Revista Médica De Chile, 147(10). Recuperado a partir de



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