Trombolisis endovenosa post reversión de acenocumarol con complejo de protrombina. Caso Clínico
Palabras clave:
Anticoagulants, Prothrombin, Thrombolytic TherapyResumen
We report an 89-year-old male under oral anticoagulant therapy with a therapeutic international normalized ratio, presenting at the emergency room with right side hemiparesis and aphasia. Neuroimaging was compatible with an acute middle cerebral artery ischemic stroke. Anticoagulation was reverted with the use of four factor prothrombin complex, followed by thrombolysis with alteplase, with a favorable evolution, returning to his basal functional status.Descargas
Cómo citar
Navia, V., Riveros, R., & Brunser, A. (2019). Trombolisis endovenosa post reversión de acenocumarol con complejo de protrombina. Caso Clínico. Revista Médica De Chile, 147(7). Recuperado a partir de
Reporte de Caso Clínico