Revalidación de títulos médicos extranjeros: eficacia y eficiencia de un examen colaborativo y estandarizado
Palabras clave:
Certification, Clinical Competence, Health Care, Licensure, Medical, Quality AssuranceResumen
Background: Title revalidation of foreign Medical graduates to practice medicine in Chile is a complex and expensive process. According to the legislation they are required to approve the Unique National Exam of Medical Knowledge (EUNACOM), which has a theoretical and a practical section. Aim: To demonstrate that a collaborative and standardized examination of the practical section of EUNACOM is more effective and efficient than traditional practical examinations. Material and methods: The faculties of Medicine of the Catholic University of Chile, University of Chile and University of Concepción were associated to implement an examination proposal, framed in the legislation. The EUNACOM board supported and funded the initiative which consisted in the implementation of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) for each basic specialty of medicine, applied to 40 designated candidates. This format was selected because of the wide experience and evidence at the international level in the certification of medical professionals. Results: A collaborative and standardized OSCE reduces to less than half the time spent by examiners, providing more evidence of validity, reliability and objectivity. It also allows to visualize the real costs per applicant, which proved to be higher than those currently charged by EUNACOM, but comparatively lower than the examination used in the United States. Conclusions: A collaborative OSCE responds to the ethical principle of justice by being more valid, reliable, objective and cost efficient.Descargas
Cómo citar
Kunakov P, N., Moraga, L., & Ortiz, L. (2018). Revalidación de títulos médicos extranjeros: eficacia y eficiencia de un examen colaborativo y estandarizado. Revista Médica De Chile, 146(2). Recuperado a partir de
Educación Médica