Paul Cézanne, el solitario e irascible padre de la pintura moderna
Palabras clave:
Medicine in Art, Neural Pathways, Neurosciences, PaintingsResumen
Paul Cézanne is an acknowledged pioneer of modern painting. His work was poorly recognized during most of his solitary life. He progressively withdrew from people and society during his life, in part due to his introverted personality and a supreme effort to obtain a unique form of expression of his art, in which nature and its inner secrets played a pivotal role. In this review, we discuss aspects of his life and art, his pathological personal relationships and how they influenced his transcendental work.Descargas
Cómo citar
Miranda, M. (2016). Paul Cézanne, el solitario e irascible padre de la pintura moderna. Revista Médica De Chile, 145(4). Recuperado a partir de
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