Uso de benzodiazepinas en adultos mayores en América Latina
Palabras clave:
Aged, Benzodiazepines, Frail Elderly, Latin AmericaResumen
Background: Growing information has emphasized the risk of benzodiazepines (BZD), particularly among the elderly. However, the information available in Latin America is scarce. Aim: to review the available information on the use of BZD in older adults in Latin America to achieve an overview of the information currently available, and a thorough understanding of this phenomenon in our region. Methods: A systematic review with MeSH terms "elderly", "latinamerican" and "benzodiazepines" was performed in PubMed and with each Latin American country. A search in databases SciELO and LILACS was also performed. In all, 126 items of finally selected 21 that met the inclusion criteria. Results: Studies show that consumption of benzodiazepines in the elderly population in Latin America is high, with a preponderance of long half-life benzodiazepines in women, and frequent self-medication. Conclusions: The revised articles establish the importance of further study of the phenomenon of the use of benzodiazepines in our elderly population. Strikingly, scientific information is scarce, with most studies coming from only one country (Brazil). Moreover, most of them are transversal and descriptive, with few studies that explore long-term side effects, or specific hypotheses. Further studies should address these important issues.Descargas
Cómo citar
Gómez, S., León, T., Macuer, M., Alves, M., & Ruiz, S. (2017). Uso de benzodiazepinas en adultos mayores en América Latina. Revista Médica De Chile, 145(3). Recuperado a partir de
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