Perfil de riesgo litogénico en pacientes con urolitiasis en Paraguay
Palabras clave:
Crystallization, Risk factors, UrolithiasisResumen
Background: The lithogenic risk profile is a graphical representation of metabolic factors and urinary saturation involved in the stone formation with their respective critical values. Aim: To determine the lithogenic risk profile in patients with urolithiasis. Material and methods: Personal data such as anthropometric, history of diseases and family history of urolithiasis were recorded. Different compounds acting as promoters or inhibitors of crystallization were measured in serum and urine samples, and the data obtained were used to calculate urinary saturation using Equil software. Results: We included 30 men and 43 women with a median age of 45 (34-54) years. Overweight and family history of urolithiasis was reported in 63 and 32% respectively. Crystallization risk was detected in 74 % of participants. The most common urinary abnormalities were hypocitraturia in 48% and hypercalciuria in 40%. Conclusions: The lithogenic profile revealed urinary saturation compatible with crystallization risk in 74 % of the studied patients.Descargas
Cómo citar
Funes, P., Echagüe, G., Ruiz, I., Rivas, L., Zenteno, J., & Guillén, R. (2016). Perfil de riesgo litogénico en pacientes con urolitiasis en Paraguay. Revista Médica De Chile, 144(6). Recuperado a partir de
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