El reconocimiento legal de la transexualidad en Chile mediante el procedimiento judicial de cambio de nombre. Un caso de complementariedad epistemológica entre medicina y derecho
Palabras clave:
Gender Identity, Names, Transgendered persons, TranssexualismResumen
Do transsexual people in Chile have a right to have their gender identity or their sex reassignment legally recognized? The absence of any legislation on gender identity or transsexualism could lead us to believe that it is not the case. However, a quantitative review of decisions issued by Chilean courts during the last years on name- and sex-change requests filed by transsexual people reveals that most of these courts have accepted these requests. From the perspective of the wellbeing of transsexual people, this is a positive result. However, the fact that a few rejections exist reminds us of the need to enact an explicit legislation in this issue. Lastly, a qualitative analysis of those decisions suggests that the traditional reluctance of courts to interpret the law in a creative way has been overcome in these cases by the use of knowledge and discourses belonging to healthcare sciences. This is an example of an epistemological complementariness between medicine and law.Descargas
Cómo citar
Muñoz León, F. (2015). El reconocimiento legal de la transexualidad en Chile mediante el procedimiento judicial de cambio de nombre. Un caso de complementariedad epistemológica entre medicina y derecho. Revista Médica De Chile, 143(8). Recuperado a partir de https://mail.revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/4228
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