Cambios en el consumo aparente de lácteos, bebidas azucaradas y jugos procesados en el Gran Santiago. Chile. 1987-2007


  • Mirta Crovetto M Centro de Estudios Avanzados, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso

Palabras clave:

Calcium, Dietary sucrose, Eating, Obesity, Osteoporosis


Background: Nowadays, Chilean population tends to replace or eat a lower amount of food with health protective properties and a higher proportion of unhealthy foodstuff. Aim: To describe and compare the intake of dairy products, sugary drinks and processed juices among Chileans. Material and Methods: An analysis of data compiled from the Survey on Household Budget and Expenses carried out by the Chilean National Institute of Statistics (INE), using a representative sample of households. The sample was surveyed between 1987 and 2007. The analysis was performed for all households surveyed and for households belonging to the second (highest incomes) and fifth quintile (lowest incomes). The Chilean Food Guide and the international recommendations of the Institute of Medicine of the United States and the American Heart Association (in the case of sugars) were used as reference. Results: Even though the intake of dairy products increased during the period of the survey, it was lower than the intake of sugary drinks and juices, which increased. Also, calcium recommendations were not covered. On the other hand, the intake of added sugars increased to figures over current recommendations. Conclusions: The intake of dairy products and calcium is below the recommended amounts established by international organisms, and added sugars intake is greater than the advisable levels recommended by international organisms.




Cómo citar

Crovetto M, M., & Uauy, R. (2014). Cambios en el consumo aparente de lácteos, bebidas azucaradas y jugos procesados en el Gran Santiago. Chile. 1987-2007. Revista Médica De Chile, 142(12). Recuperado a partir de



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