¿Se sustentan las Guías GES en trabajos científicos financiados por los Fondos de CONICYT?


  • Paulina Núñez F Universidad de Chile
  • Adrian Torres C Escuela Salud Pública
  • Rodolfo Armas M Universidad de Chile

Palabras clave:

Chile, Health Planning Guidelines, Health policy


Background: In Chile, 80 diseases were included in a health care system called Health Care Guarantees (GES) and clinical guidelines were elaborated for their management. Aim: To assess the scientific background of guidelines and if they were based on research financed by the Chilean National Commission for Science and Technology. Material and methods: The references of the 82 guidelines developed for 80 diseases were reviewed, registering their number, authors, country of origin and funding source. Results: The guidelines had a total of 6604 references. Of these, only 185 were Chilean (2.8%) and five (0.08%) originated from research financed by the National Commission for Science and Technology. Conclusions: The contribution of research funded by national agencies to the formulation of clinical guidelines is minimal.

Biografía del autor/a

Paulina Núñez F, Universidad de Chile

becada Medicina Interna Hospital San Juan de Dios

Rodolfo Armas M, Universidad de Chile

profesor Titular




Cómo citar

Núñez F, P., Torres C, A., & Armas M, R. (2014). ¿Se sustentan las Guías GES en trabajos científicos financiados por los Fondos de CONICYT?. Revista Médica De Chile, 142(12). Recuperado a partir de https://mail.revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/3544



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