Situación actual de la rehabiitación cardíaca en Chile.


  • Claudio Santibañez Claudio Santibáñez, Cardiólogo, Electrofisiologo, en representación del Departamento de Prevención de la Sociedad Chilena de Cardiología.Miembro de la American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
  • Carmen Pérez-Terzic Dra. Carmen Pérez-Terzic MD, PhD, Cardiovascular Health Clinic, Clínica Mayo, Rochester, MN (USA).Miembro de la American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
  • Francisco López-Jiménez Dr. Francisco López-Jiménez, MD, MSc, Cardiovascular Health Clinic, Clínica Mayo, Rochester, MN (USA).Miembro de la American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
  • Mery Cortes-Bergoderi Dra. Mery Cortes-Bergoderi, MD, Cardiovascular Health Clinic, Clinica Mayo, Rochester, MN (USA).Miembro de la American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
  • Maria Virginia Araya Dra. Maria Viriginia Araya, Cardiólogo, Prevencionista en representación del Departamento de prevención de la Sociedad Chilena de Cardiología.Miembro de la American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
  • Gerard Burdiat Dr. Gerard Burdiat, cardiólogo, deportólogo, Centro Calidad de Vida, Asociación Española. Montevideo (Uruguay). Miembro de la American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Palabras clave:

Coronary artery disease, Rehabilitation, cardiac, Secondary prevention



Background: Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs play an important role in the control and prevention of new cardiac events. Aim: A survey was performed to evaluate the current situation of CR programs in Chile. Material and methods: A questionnaire evaluating the structure of rehabilitation centers, characteristics of the rehabilitation programs and patients, management of risk factors, reimbursement methods, human resources and potential barriers for an efficient rehabilitation, was mailed to centers dedicated to CR in Chile.  Results: Eight centers were contacted and seven responded.  Coronary heart disease is the most common underlying disease of attended patients and CR is carried out mainly during phases II and III. All CR centers perform an initial assessment, stratify patients, plan and provide tips on physical activity and nutrition. Only three centers provide help to quit smoking. Lipid profile and blood sugar are assessed in 62% of centers. Most practitioners involved are cardiologists, nurses, physiotherapists and nutritionists, all trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The main barrier for their development is the lack of patient referral from practitioners. Conclusions: Despite the recognized value of CR in the care of patients after a cardiac event, this study reveals the need for further development of such programs and improvement of patient referrals.  

Biografía del autor/a

Claudio Santibañez, Claudio Santibáñez, Cardiólogo, Electrofisiologo, en representación del Departamento de Prevención de la Sociedad Chilena de Cardiología.Miembro de la American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Claudio Marcelo Santibáñez Catalán. Otto Bader 810, Unidad de Cardiología, Clínica Alemana de Puerto Varas. Jefe de Cardiología. Médico Cardiólog, Electrofisiólogo, Magíster en Epidemiología Clínica, Rehabilitador Cardiaco



Cómo citar

Santibañez, C., Pérez-Terzic, C., López-Jiménez, F., Cortes-Bergoderi, M., Araya, M. V., & Burdiat, G. (2012). Situación actual de la rehabiitación cardíaca en Chile. Revista Médica De Chile, 140(5). Recuperado a partir de



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