Una lesión en el cintigrama renal DMSA 6 meses post fase aguda de una pielonefritis representa siempre una cicatriz: un debate abierto.


  • Gilda Donoso Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Hospital San Juan de Dios - Universidad de Chile.
  • Elizabeth Lagos Servicio de Nefrología Infantil, Hospital San Juan de Dios.
  • Pía Rosati Servicio de Nefrología Infantil, Hospital San Juan de Dios.
  • Pilar Hevia Servicio de Nefrología Infantil, Hospital San Juan de Dios.
  • Karen Cuevas Servicio de Nefrología Infantil, Hospital San Juan de Dios.
  • Gabriel Lobo Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Hospital San Juan de Dios - Universidad de Chile.
  • Andrés Pérez Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Hospital San Juan de Dios - Universidad de Chile.Tecnólogo Médico
  • César Jiménez Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Hospital San Juan de Dios - Universidad de Chile.Tecnólogo Médico
  • Daniela Gutiérrez Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Hospital San Juan de Dios - Universidad de Chile.

Palabras clave:

Child, Pyelonephritis, Radionuclear imaging




Background: Abnormal Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) renal scintigraphy performed six months after an acute pyelonephritis (AP) is generally interpreted as scarring. Aim: To perform a follow up of childhood patients showing scintigraphic renal lesions during the acute phase of pyelonephritis (within 7 days from the beginning of fever). Material and methods: A scintigraphic control was carried out at 5-7 months and, in case of persistent lesions, an additional late scintigraphy at 10-13 months. All patients were followed clinically for one year and those with a relapse of urinary tract infection were excluded from the study. Results: Eighty five patients with a median age of 8 months were included. Among these, the first scintigraphic control was normal in 59 (69%) and abnormal in 26 patients  (31%).  In five of these 26 patients (5/26:19% -5/85: 6%), a considerable regression of the lesions was obvious on the early control, and normalized completely on the late control. When expressing the results in kidney units, 107 showed lesions during the acute phase of infection; 69% was normal at the early control. Thirty three showed lesions persisting at  the early control (31%) and 7 out of these 33 (21%) became normal on the late control (7/ 107: 7%). In total, 25% of the children included in the study (24% of the kidney units) remained with renal sequelae one year after the initial episode of  AP. Conclusions: The persistence of scintigraphic lesions  six months after an episode of AP, does not necessarily correspond to permanent scars, since normalization can sometimes be observed on late controls.  


Biografía del autor/a

Gilda Donoso, Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Hospital San Juan de Dios - Universidad de Chile.

Servicio Medicina Nuclear CDT- Hosp. San Juan de Dios, Portales 3239, Santiago. Fono-Fax: 5742015 E mail: gdonosor@yahoo.com

Elizabeth Lagos, Servicio de Nefrología Infantil, Hospital San Juan de Dios.


Pía Rosati, Servicio de Nefrología Infantil, Hospital San Juan de Dios.


Pilar Hevia, Servicio de Nefrología Infantil, Hospital San Juan de Dios.


Karen Cuevas, Servicio de Nefrología Infantil, Hospital San Juan de Dios.


Gabriel Lobo, Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Hospital San Juan de Dios - Universidad de Chile.


Andrés Pérez, Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Hospital San Juan de Dios - Universidad de Chile.Tecnólogo Médico


César Jiménez, Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Hospital San Juan de Dios - Universidad de Chile.Tecnólogo Médico


Daniela Gutiérrez, Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Hospital San Juan de Dios - Universidad de Chile.




Cómo citar

Donoso, G., Lagos, E., Rosati, P., Hevia, P., Cuevas, K., Lobo, G., Pérez, A., Jiménez, C., & Gutiérrez, D. (2012). Una lesión en el cintigrama renal DMSA 6 meses post fase aguda de una pielonefritis representa siempre una cicatriz: un debate abierto. Revista Médica De Chile, 140(6). Recuperado a partir de https://mail.revistamedicadechile.cl/index.php/rmedica/article/view/1575



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